"We have had her for a little over a year now. The sister-in-law of my college roommate is a dog trainer in the Dallas area and rescued her from being left chained outside a trailer park. My husband and I have had our first dog (a lab) for about 5 years now and he didn’t plan on ever getting a second dog. So I actually said yes to adopting Remy in secret and picked her up in Texas before he could say no :) Now the two of them are the best of friends and we couldn’t imagine our life without her! Remy is always happy. She loves people, loves our first dog (he’s still in shock that he’s not the only dog in the house), and hates cats. She’s the only dog I have ever had that loves the vets office (she loves the attention). She dances for treats and puts up with me dressing her up in a pink unicorn costume :) "