One of two for @katieaalbergbeitz "Our other dog is Truman. We have only had him a couple years. B actually picked Truman for us! We were thinking about getting another dog and knew we wanted another pit bull. We went to the shelter with a different dog in mind, but B didn’t like that dog. She immediately took to Truman. They were best buddies from day one. Truman was pretty scared of my husband at first, he wouldn’t really even go near him. We think he may have been abused by his previous owner, so sad. He, like B, was a stray that our local rescue picked up. But now it couldn’t be more opposite! He follows my husband EVERYWHERE! They are inseparable…sometimes it even makes me a bit jealous. Truman has a big, spunky personality. We think he might also be part boxer but aren’t real sure." @katieaalbergbeitz